大阪府大阪市北区小松原町2−4 大阪富国生命ビル27階
Registration is closed
男性デザイナー | ¥7,500 prepaid |
通常チケット(女性のみ、エンジニア・デザイナー・ハスラー問わず) | ¥7,500 prepaid |
男性エンジニア・技術者 | ¥7,500 prepaid |
見学者(3日間食事付) | ¥7,500 prepaid |
Includes 7 meals. We'll fed you well! |
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We put the pay-at-the-door option only according to the system setting.
So please use prepaid ticket for us to prepare better for you.
Startup Weekends are in cities across the globe bringing together highly motivated group of developers, business managers, startup enthusiasts, marketing gurus, graphic artists and more for a 3 day...
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